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Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 16:32:40 -0400
From: Jeff Blaine <>
Subject: Documentation__Building Kerberos V5
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1. This paragraph is kind of messed up:

Show quoted text
> The first step in each of these build procedures is to
> unpack the source distribution. The Kerberos V5 distribution
> comes in a tar file, generally named krb5-1.9.tar (for
> version 1.9. We will assume that version is 1.9. Please,
> adjust this number accordingly), which contains a compressed
> tar file consisting of the sources for all of Kerberos (generally
> krb5-1.9.tar.gz) and a PGP signature for this source tree
> (generally krb5-1.9.tar.gz.asc).

Aside from the structure of it, I think it is always best not to
mention any specific version numbers in documentation unless it
directly applies to a version-specific piece of information.

Perhaps just say something like,

"For these instructions, we will refer to the Kerberos
source code packages and the extracted tree of files via the
form 'krb5-MAJOR.MINOR', where MAJOR is a placeholder for the
major version of Kerberos and MINOR is a placeholder for the
minor version of Kerberos.

For example, MIT Kerberos 1.9 has major version '1' and minor
version '9', so if you see an instruction:

Extract krb5-MAJOR.MINOR.tar.gz

it means (if you are using 1.9):

Extract krb5-1.9.tar.gz

2. IMO, there are a lot of references to the word 'tarfiles',
which is kind of slang really.

"Note that the tarfiles will by default all unpack into the..."

" that if your current directory is /u1 when you unpack the

I'd recommend just using "tar files" or "tar file" as necessary.
Just like "PDF file" refers to a PDF file and "pdffile" is weird.

[ Just trying to help! ]
To: rt@krbdev.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: [ #7126] Documentation__Building Kerberos V5
From: Tom Yu <tlyu@MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 16:28:35 -0400
"Jeff Blaine via RT" <> writes:

Show quoted text
> 1. This paragraph is kind of messed up:
> > The first step in each of these build procedures is to
> > unpack the source distribution. The Kerberos V5 distribution
> > comes in a tar file, generally named krb5-1.9.tar (for
> > version 1.9. We will assume that version is 1.9. Please,
> > adjust this number accordingly), which contains a compressed
> > tar file consisting of the sources for all of Kerberos (generally
> > krb5-1.9.tar.gz) and a PGP signature for this source tree
> > (generally krb5-1.9.tar.gz.asc).
> Aside from the structure of it, I think it is always best not to
> mention any specific version numbers in documentation unless it
> directly applies to a version-specific piece of information.

The original source (Texinfo) for this text was paramterized. We
could put the parameterization back in, which I think is possibly less

Show quoted text
> Perhaps just say something like,
> "For these instructions, we will refer to the Kerberos
> source code packages and the extracted tree of files via the
> form 'krb5-MAJOR.MINOR', where MAJOR is a placeholder for the
> major version of Kerberos and MINOR is a placeholder for the
> minor version of Kerberos.
> For example, MIT Kerberos 1.9 has major version '1' and minor
> version '9', so if you see an instruction:
> Extract krb5-MAJOR.MINOR.tar.gz
> it means (if you are using 1.9):
> Extract krb5-1.9.tar.gz

On the other hand, can we assume at this point that people who are
considering building krb5 from source code know how to extract gzipped
tar files?

Show quoted text
> 2. IMO, there are a lot of references to the word 'tarfiles',
> which is kind of slang really.
> "Note that the tarfiles will by default all unpack into the..."
> " that if your current directory is /u1 when you unpack the
> tarfiles..."
> I'd recommend just using "tar files" or "tar file" as necessary.
> Just like "PDF file" refers to a PDF file and "pdffile" is weird.

That seems reasonable.
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 15:00:06 -0400
From: Jeff Blaine <>
Subject: Re: [ #7126] Documentation__Building Kerberos V5
Show quoted text
> On the other hand, can we assume at this point that people who are
> considering building krb5 from source code know how to extract gzipped
> tar files?

I would certainly think so, yes. Quite a bit of all of that
text can just be replaced with: "Get and extract the desired
MIT Kerberos source code from..."
Subject: SVN Commit

Update Build Kerberos V5 doc section
Author: Zhanna Tsitkov <>
Commit: 1551355867863f3052ac0a9e1dc5f92608881543
Branch: master
doc/rst_source/krb_build/doing_build.rst | 16 ++++++------
doc/rst_source/krb_build/index.rst | 41 +++++++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)