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- #6803: Config variable for default ccache directory
- #9103: segfault trying to free a garbage pointer
- #723: install-guide should mention copying kadm5.acl
- #8621: Expose context errors in pkinit_server_plugin_init
- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #6201: small leak in KDC authdata plugins
- #6651: Handle migration from pre-1.7 databases with ma...
- #7088: Fix uninitialized variable warning in trval.c
- #8316: Fix IAKERB context export/import [CVE-2015-2698]
- #8093: Update example kadmin getprinc enctype display
- #7791: S4U2Self fails with Windows 2008
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