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- #6883: KDC double-free when PKINIT enabled [MITKRB5-SA...
- #6986: [no subject]
- #6880: Keytab file grows to 1Gb in size
- #7698: Service principal aliases broken in 1.11 KDC
- #266: HPUX 10.10 Compile Failure
- #7453: Update mkrel for new doc build process
- #7836: Allow empty store in gss_acquire_cred_from
- #4310: NSIS installer - update for Win2K NetIDMgr
- #2754: include errno.h earlier in fake-addrinfo.h
- #7138: [PATCH] Add missing $(LIBS) to Makefile.in in s...
- #2963: 64-bit time_t * conversion
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