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- #6967: Kerberos weakness
- #7973: Bad calloc test in krb5_authdata_context_init()
- #5725: NIM: FEATURE: APP: Plug-in Configuration Panel...
- #6928: use timegm() for krb5int_gmt_mktime() when avai...
- #981: Problems buidling MIT Kerberos 1.2.2
- #7720: Set expiration times on keyring credentials
- #6549: Documentation typo for auth_to_local
- #1012: MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU realm info
- #5425: nonce needs to be random
- #4963: Entries Awards eLearning EDUCAUSE
- #2573: krb5_rc_io_open_internal might try to invoke wi...
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