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- #934: kdc accepts etypes in as-req that are not accep...
- #8570: Add the client_name() kdcpreauth callback
- #324: MAXHOSTNAMELEN not defined under Solaris 2.5.1
- #5279: Document what the kadmind ACL is for
- #6881: KDC double-free when PKINIT enabled [MITKRB5-SA...
- #8115: Remove indent workaround in man page RST sources
- #6317: select(2) if no fds < FD_SETSIZE are available.
- #7775: Improve default ccache name API documentation
- #7303: 'Make default' should apply to all processes of...
- #383: com_err_hook declared static in source, extern...
- #4312: KFW 3.1 Beta 2 NetIDMgr Changes
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