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- #2772: krb4 APIs do not honor dns_fallback libdefault
- #8840: Accept GSS mechs which don't supply attributes
- #1072: telnet client
- #7673: Use better URL for kerberos documentation (in KfW)
- #6818: KPASSWD port is not correct
- #383: com_err_hook declared static in source, extern...
- #3183: minor_status not cleared sometimes (gsstest nits)
- #5435: KFW 3.1 k524init.exe links against krb4_32.dll
- #1548: 1.3beta: kshd syslogs the following.... (Redhat 9)
- #2578: umich RPCSEC_GSS integration
- #575: SRVTAB and ANY keytab types
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