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- #7293: KfW make 64-bit MSI include 32-bit dlls
- #6660: Minimal support for updating history key
- #6897: Default principal name in the acceptor cred cor...
- #1178: Test suite needs to be stabilzied for 1.3
- #4058: Just click to buy OEM software!
- #6003: KFW: FEATURE: Update NSIS installer for VS2005...
- #7888: Error at configure time on AIX 7.1
- #135: configuration problems found for krb5-beta7
- #1813: test567890 B34567890 C34567890 D34567890 E34567...
- #6466: check encode_krb5_ap_req return in send_tgs.c
- #8816: kproplog cannot display LOCKDOWN_KEYS attribute
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