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- #7929: HTTP proxy support
- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #8160: requires_preauth bypass in PKINIT-enabled KDC [...
- #8598: Preserve GSS context on init/accept failure
- #4453: krb5-1.6-pre: fix warnings/ improve 64bit compa...
- #5009: kadmin.local with LDAP backend fails to start w...
- #3277: configure --sysconfdir=/etc can make redundant...
- #5812: kill pre-beta-6 rcp support
- #8931: Cache S4U2Proxy requests by second ticket
- #8796: Document krb5kdc without -r
- #928: MACH check keeps Kerberos from compiling on OS X
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