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- #8663: TLS is not free on library unload
- #8649: Allow validation of PACs with enterprise names
- #6537: Please provide a way for administrators to dete...
- #6777: Segmentation fault in krb library (sn2princ.c)...
- #469: Codewarrior for WinNT proj files?
- #8264: kdb_check test target uses installed message ca...
- #6626: Restore interoperability with 1.6 addprinc -ran...
- #251: Add Admin to Kerberos Database section misleading
- #7521: krb5-1.11: patch 4 of 4: tree-based iprop
- #5609: NIM watermark does not track tray icon
- #400: send-pr portability problems
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