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- #8871: Zero length fields when freeing object contents
- #3607: clients/ksu/setenv.c doesn't build on Solaris
- #2862: leaks, segfault in lib/krb5/ccache/cc_file.c
- #5453: Windows - some apps define ssize_t as a preproc...
- #8344: Create KDC and kadmind log files with mode 0640
- #3293: use more caution in testing for pthread_mutex_lock
- #2525: Install kvno.exe on Windows
- #8863: krb5int_key_delete: Assertion `destructors_set[...
- #3420: Amazing, Lenora
- #6822: Implement Camellia-CTS-CMAC instead of Camellia...
- #6542: Check for null characters in pkinit cert fields
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