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- #9102: Eliminate sim_client include of getopt.h
- #469: Codewarrior for WinNT proj files?
- #2353: Missing prototype for gss_krb5int_unseal_token_v3
- #925: gssrpc 3rd party prog bug?
- #338: ksu fails to swith to root.
- #7555: Don't squash name type for cross TGT requests
- #1621: aes mandatory cksumtype not implemented
- #8197: Fix bindresvport_sa port byte swap bug
- #1290: ·s¦~¨ìÅo...°e§A§Úªº¯¬ºÖ...^^
- #3194: ¦¬¨ìÀɮ׽Ц^´_,Á§ڪ¾¹D¤@¤U,ÁÂÁÂ
- #906: Patch: bind to a specific IP address when conta...
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