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- #5471: krb5_ktfile_get_entry() can invalidate keytab f...
- #7024: PAC resigning should support buffer resizing
- #7792: supported_enctypes parsing does not handle DEFAULT
- #5823: KFW: BUG: WIX: Beta value hard coded
- #8087: Update iprop_master_ulogsize documentation
- #102: src/kadmin/export configure error
- #1435: cygwin does not have inet_ntop when compiling kdc
- #5763: NIM: BUG: khm_krb5_initialize() failed to retur...
- #1080: kprop should have sanity checks for database sh...
- #1350: make check fails in util/db2 on linux?
- #6584: crypto modularity work r22778 broke MD4-DES, MD...
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