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- #8123: Check timestamp in PKINIT kdcpreauth module
- #169: Testing
- #9012: Allow kinit with keytab to defer canonicalization
- #9102: Eliminate sim_client include of getopt.h
- #1086: Segmentation fault in krb5_timeofday - krb5-1.2...
- #7231: Regression tests for CVE-2012-1014, CVE-2012-1015
- #2272: Re: Terminated Account
- #110: Information of Kerberos version 5.
- #7719: Discuss cert expiry, no-key princs in PKINIT docs
- #5751: KFW: permit administrative installs using MSI i...
- #1009: kadmin_parse_name() loops forever with, e.g., '...
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