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- #9112: Support PKCS11 EC client certs in PKINIT
- #7949: Handle invalid RFC 1964 tokens [CVE-2014-4341 C...
- #8672: KFW 4.1 credential cache issue
- #5740: NIM: FEATURE: LIB: Dynamic load/unload of plug-ins
- #5696: NIM: FEATURE: ALL: 64-bit Windows Support and R...
- #2793: allow build with KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP undefined
- #143: mkrel needs to deal with doc directory
- #3495: Fix gss_acquire_cred to handle case in which le...
- #3415: Windows 64-bit support
- #2586: [Doug Mitchell] memory smasher
- #598: rlogin oob timing, tspeed segfault, krb4 fallba...
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