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- #5428: MEMORY keytab leaks
- #5899: Compiling krb5-1.6.3 on FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE
- #1387: need support for bind versions > 8 (BIND_8_COMPAT)
- #2522: Delay Load ADVAPI32.DLL and SECUR32.DLL in KRB5...
- #8837: kprop replication does not work due to wrong DN...
- #9050: Implement replaced_reply_key input to issue_pac()
- #8969: Update kvno(1) synopsis with missing options
- #6756: KDC 1.6/1.7/1.8 Installation
- #860: port number of admin_server not optional
- #8382: kerberos 1.14 core dumps on Solaris 5.11
- #5476: Zero sockaddrs in fai_add_entry() so we can com...
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