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- #5589: krb5 trunk no longer builds on Windows - vsnpri...
- #7735: Use active master key in update_princ_encryption
- #4981: Make clean in lib/krb5/os does not clean test objs
- #5934: "Key table entry not found while getting initia...
- #8201: Tolerate null oid pointer in gss_release_oid()
- #8736: Check mech cred in gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()
- #8478: usability improvements for bttest
- #8474: gnu libc OFD lock bug affects krb5
- #5962: unchecked calls to k5_mutex_lock() interact poo...
- #6184: handle stash file names with missing keytab typ...
- #3337: Amazing, Debbie
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