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- #5611: NIM Standard view selected color difficult to read
- #3293: use more caution in testing for pthread_mutex_lock
- #324: MAXHOSTNAMELEN not defined under Solaris 2.5.1
- #6972: memory leak in version 1.9.1
- #8013: gssapi.dll fails to detect TGTs in the MSLSA ca...
- #513: ncurses doesn't have ttytype[], with patch
- #2527: Keytab file names without a "FILE:" prefix fail...
- #7849: kdc.conf(5) - 1.11 / 1.12 - inaccurate re. ipro...
- #6629: krb5int_derive_key results in cache with uninit...
- #3934: Implement CCAPI blocking calls
- #7889: PKINIT use of OpenSSL OID table is not thread-s...
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