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- #7047: Allow S4U2Proxy service tickets to be cached
- #1094: Cannot find KDC problems
- #5738: NIM: FEATURE: APP: Signature and Version Verifi...
- #6693: Fix backwards flag output in krb5_init_creds_st...
- #2815: krb5-config needs to include krb5support library
- #6265: KerberosAgent bindings causing crashes
- #8403: kinit documentation page
- #1352: Do not claim GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG since we don...
- #7743: kadmin cannot add principal and extract random...
- #3207: AS_REP padata missing PA-ETYPE-INFO
- #4958: fwd:Must Have Pharmacy at your service: Christm...
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