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- #7684: Don't reopen the KDB in update_princ_encryption
- #7980: LDAP key data segmentation buffer overflow [CVE...
- #8763: Ignore password attributes for S4U2Self requests
- #8641: Make public headers work with gcc -Wundef
- #8341: Verify decoded kadmin C strings [CVE-2015-8629]
- #7527: PKINIT (draft9) null ptr deref [CVE-2012-1016]
- #7637: Fix kpasswd UDP ping-pong [CVE-2002-2443]
- #7949: Handle invalid RFC 1964 tokens [CVE-2014-4341 C...
- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #8273: Fix IAKERB context export/import [CVE-2015-2698]
- #374: telnet should canonify host name in DISPLAY
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