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- #7846: Test bogus KDC-REQs
- #6003: KFW: FEATURE: Update NSIS installer for VS2005...
- #5925: Windows socket(...) returns SOCKET, not file ha...
- #5913: KfW CCAPI: Logon Session as cache index: poor e...
- #5890: kadmin -s <server name> does not work
- #5879: Actually pass the nmake arguments to nmake
- #5863: [no subject]
- #5859: Build of windows/identity fails in clean directory
- #5820: KFW: BUG: WIX: Improve Usability of multiple ar...
- #5808: KfW Build: add new installer build files to cop...
- #5798: NIM: BUG: APP: command-line options window does...
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