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- #6298: KIM vs no-config
- #8166: Fix LDAP ticket policies on big-endian LP64
- #6430: Avoid looping when preauth can't be generated
- #4042: Save up to $500 on OEM software supersales!
- #7841: Avoid malloc(0) in SPNEGO get_input_token
- #6535: jumbo pullup for kfw-3.2.3-alpha1
- #5022: build the trunk on Windows (again)
- #7061: Fix PKINIT serverDHNonce encoding
- #5396: Master ticket for NetIdMgr 1.2 commits
- #2980: Windows XP SP2 and trouble with free library kr...
- #6533: krb5-1.7 cannot be compiled on Debian stable (5...
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