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- #451: krb5-1.0/src/util/pty/update_utmp.c compilation...
- #7079: the ftp client can pass an unterminated string...
- #8762: Fix spelling of auth_to_local example
- #7616: Fix no_host_referral concatention in KDC
- #3633: Ãкº¡Ò÷ӸØáԨã¹Í¹Ò¤µ ·Ó·ÕèºéÒ¹·Óä´é·ÑèÇâÅ¡ ¼è...
- #1096: Why pay more for something if you don't have to?
- #196: db2 checks depend on /usr/dict/words
- #8581: Allow clock skew in krb5 gss_context_time()
- #6724: Problem trying to compile krb5-1.8.1 on HP-UX 1...
- #1075: kpasswd fails to decode ticket when using preau...
- #5254: Happy NW Ashlee
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