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- #3060: large default FD_SETSIZE and stack consumption...
- #841: telnetd should have a way to require encrypted...
- #7285: KfW GUI -- abbreviate durations
- #8301: Correctly use k5_wrapmsg() in ldap_principal2.c
- #7050: KfW changes for krb5-1.10
- #253: install manual should mention [logging] stanza
- #8025: krb5 gss_inquire_context doesn't work with part...
- #1601: [<Kent_Wu@trendmicro.com>] RE: memory leak in s...
- #5543: Build Scripts fail to package with "beta" version
- #323: krb5-send-pr test for mailer fails for unreadab...
- #6842: Ensure time() is prototyped in g_accept_sec_con...
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