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- #9070: Cross-realm S4U2Self to an Active Directory rea...
- #863: Shared libraries are not correctly built under...
- #1302: CVS commit handler doesn't include tags
- #6065: bad free in kprop
- #6764: has_mandatory_for_kdc_authdata checks only firs...
- #47: [daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU : mc68000 bogusness in l...
- #4444: Re: VlkAGRA
- #1341: krb5.conf and kdc.conf should be merged
- #8977: Allow kprop over more types of NATs
- #7923: x-deltat.y is not compatible with bison 3
- #7987: Fix GSS krb5 GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG ret_flags result
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